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Learn how to measure your kitchen like a pro in under 60 seconds

The best ways to cure even the worst case of kitchen measurement anxiety Wondering how to measure your kitchen? Feeling worried you’ll do it “wrong” ? We made a short video to show you how to do it. We really think you’ll be surprised – nay, delighted – how easy it is to take your kitchen measurements so you can start designing your new IKEA kitchen. You absolutely do not need to be a pro to measure like a pro! Even though measuring your kitchen is as easy as apple pie, some of our customers really worry they will do it wrong and “mess up” their IKEA [...]

IKEA kicks a DDD (dated, dark, and dingy) Chicago kitchen to the curb

Giving an outdated space an update with IKEA cabinetry is easier than you think Close your eyes and imagine you’ve inherited a historic yet swanky condo/apartment in Chicago with a kitchen that has a major case of DDD: Dated Dark Dingy The solution to the DDD threat is obviously a new IKEA kitchen. (This is the IKD blog after all). But now factor in: You can update the kitchen, but you have to do it before you can move in You live in Maryland at the moment and flying back and forth to Chicago or living in a hotel is out of the question Your nephew is an architect and you’re [...]

  • IKEA Kitchens around the world

IKEA Kitchen Designs from Around the World

How Different Countries Utilize IKEA Kitchen Designs When it comes to kitchen design, the country you live in often influences the top priorities of your kitchen. For example, an Italian kitchen has concealed appliances. American kitchens often include large refrigerators, but they’re smaller and hidden behind doors in Europe. It’s why IKEA’s METOD line in Europe and Australia has such different cabinets from SEKTION. No matter where you live, IKEA has what you need for a good kitchen and IKD can help make your design happen. In this article, we look at some stunning IKEA kitchens worldwide and highlight the most important design aspects for each country. IKEA Kitchen [...]

Why the little white IKEA kitchen is so popular

An expert reviews what makes white kitchens so appealing Being trendy is très cool but trends come and go faster than a speeding bullet. The next thing you know you’re flipping through your middle school yearbook asking, “Why didn’t somebody stop me from getting that spiral perm? My apologies to the environment for using all that AquaNet.” With a kitchen renovation, the stakes are higher. This 2013 article in Popular Mechanics estimates that a “minor” kitchen renovation costs on average $18,500 in the United States. Click through if you feel like having a minor cardiac event at the cost of a major kitchen reno! Sure, IKEA kitchens are very affordable. It’s the number [...]

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