Select an independent IKEA kitchen installer with our Install Connect
FREE for IKD customers!
FREE for
IKD customers!
Hundreds of companies, websites,
testimonials and rating sites were
reviewed and consulted to compile
a “best of” IKEA installer list.

Email your installer our Design Package
to get a fast and accurate installation quote

Find out if they also
provide general remodelling services

Get an installer who’ll measure
your kitchen for IKD’s design

Here’s how it works
You’ll receive your Install Connect password after you have made your IKD design payment.
Enter your city, province or state.
Review and select from a list of verified independent IKEA kitchen, bath and closet installers.
Select one or more installers then email your IKD Design Package to them for a quote.
Find installers that provide electrical, plumbing or remodeling services.
IKEA Blogs
Hundreds of Tips and Ideas for IKEA hacks,
custom doors, customization and Design info
IKEA Blogs
Hundreds of Tips and Ideas
for IKEA hacks, custom doors,
customization and Design info