The IKD designers
Meet Patty
We are listeners, questioners and
collaborative problem-solvers

Name: Patty Morales
Job Duties: Install Connect, processing client information and verifying measurements.
Years at IKD: Since March, 2021
Q: Describe yourself in one word.
A: Helpful
Q: What historical figure do you most identify with?
A: Virginia Woolf. I would love to be able to write like her, plus I really enjoy experimental modernist art so she has always been very high on my list of favorites.
Q: What animal would you want to come back as in your next life, and why?
A: A Canadian Goose. They are really good examples of teamwork when they are migrating and flying long distances. That’s something I admire, being flexible and working together. Plus how cool would it be to be able to fly!
Q: What is one of your favorite moments working at IKD so far?
A: Whenever we are able to connect clients with the right design, and design professionals — like the installers on Install Connect — it feels really good! I enjoy working as a team with our designers and I treat the clients as an extension of that team working together for their design.
Q: What are some of your hobbies and interests when not designing at IKD?
A: I will try just about any food, and I love trying local cuisine when I travel. I’ve tried a lot of different foods including oxtail, frog legs — even grasshopper!
Q: What does your dream design look like?
A: Personally, I prefer a kitchen with a very modern or transitional look. But it needs to have really bright colors. I love bright colors! As I mentioned, I’m also a bit of a foodie and really enjoy cooking, so I want it to be a large kitchen — almost close to being a commercial-style cooking environment — in a residential home.
Q: What is your dream vacation?
A: I would love to travel around with Gordan Ramsay trying different foods and learning how to create some of those delicacies. I’ve yet to visit Taiwan or Malaysia, so those would be very interesting. If that was not possible, then someplace with good beaches, like Jamaica!
Q: What is one interesting thing about you that people might be surprised to know?
A: I’m an avid reader and a big Harry Potter fan. Some of my other favorite books include 100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky. I’m also finishing my Master’s in Business Administration and will have my degree in December, 2021.
Q: What word or phrase do you overuse?
A: Absolutely!