The best ways to cure even the worst case of kitchen measurement anxiety
Wondering how to measure your kitchen? Feeling worried you’ll do it “wrong” ?
We made a short video to show you how to do it. We really think you’ll be surprised – nay, delighted – how easy it is to take your kitchen measurements so you can start designing your new IKEA kitchen. You absolutely do not need to be a pro to measure like a pro!
Even though measuring your kitchen is as easy as apple pie, some of our customers really worry they will do it wrong and “mess up” their IKEA kitchen.
These customers come down a raging case of KMA (Kitchen Measurement Anxiety). Strangely you won’t find this diagnosis on WebMD!
Don’t suffer from “Kitchen Measurement Anxiety” ! Watch our 60-second video to learn how to measure your kitchen
Some customers contract KMA as soon as they realize they want a new kitchen. For others, it doesn’t set in until after they’ve purchased IKD’s IKEA kitchen design service.
Do any of these symptoms sound like you?
- Furrowed brow (“But I’m not an architect!”)
- Clammy hands (“I keep dropping the measuring tape!”)
- Sinking sensation in the stomach (“Will my kitchen be ruined if I mess up the numbers?”)
- Chronic procrastination (“Surely I can do this tomorrow…”)
We’re happy to report that this condition, while serious, is not life-threatening. Whether you’re looking for a treatment or just preventative medicine, you’re in luck.
We made a one-minute video to walk you through the process, step by step. That’s right: our process for measuring your kitchen is so easy, we can explain it to you faster than you can say “I prefer the GRIMSLÖV doors over BOBDYN!” (Well, almost).
You do not need to wonder how to measure your kitchen anymore. Just watch the video:
Our measuring system is simple and foolproof — no architecture degree necessary. So what do you need instead? SPOILER ALERT:
- Your smartphone
- Measuring tape
- Pen and paper for sketching
- A little imagination
Our video will walk you through exactly:
- Which measurements we need to create the perfect IKEA kitchen for you
- How to sketch out your kitchen (Not an artist, either? Not a problem. You don’t need to be Michelangelo to get your point across.)
- Which photos to take so IKD can start designing your IKEA kitchen right away
Then just send alll of it off to us. Yes — it really is that simple.
Why Design
with IKD?
Why Design with IKD?
Measuring your kitchen really is that easy
Worst case scenario, if something doesn’t look right, we’ll call you! With IKD, you can rest assured that we won’t let your kitchen fall victim to kitchen measurement anxiety. That’s because we never leave you hanging or feeling like you don’t know how to measure your kitchen.
Taking your kitchen measurements is an important step along the way to making your dream kitchen a reality. We know that measuring can be hard, which is why we made it easy on you.
Get a Professional IKEA Kitchen Design – All Online
Work with our certified kitchen designers to get a personalized kitchen designed around your needs and vision. If you’re interested in learning more about our service, make sure to check out our IKEA Kitchen Design Services.
Image credit
“thumbs up!” by Flickr user Lindsey Turner is licensed under CC BY 2.0.