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  • IKEA Kitchen Design Storage Solutions

Storage solutions that fit your IKEA kitchen and budget

A step-by-step guide to using IKEA drawers for maximum effect When you choose your IKEA kitchen design it’s important that it not just be the right fit, but you want to make sure things fit just right. And selecting the right type of base cabinets for your kitchen will give you plenty of style and storage options. There are several options to choose from: The typical door-and-drawer combinations; all-drawer bases; bases with full-height doors; and bases incorporating moveable wire baskets or even internal drawers. So when you’re looking through examples of kitchen designs or are in search of kitchen design services, we here at IKD would like to guide you through [...]

Remodeled IKEA kitchen saves the best for last

Full-house projects are a great opportunity to remodel you kitchen with IKEA For IKD customers Jeff and Natalie of Perrysburg, OH, their new IKEA kitchen was simply saving the best for last. “We had already remodeled our entire 1980s house, so installing this IKEA kitchen in a modern farmhouse style was our final project,” Natalie explains. With a budget of $40,000, and inspired from kitchens found on HOUZZ, the couple worked with IKD’s design team and general contractor Renovate (also in Perrysburg, OH) to remodel their previously dark and undersized kitchen (that didn’t even feature a pantry!). “We wanted to open up our kitchen into our dining room. Therefore, taking down [...]

Small but mighty: IKD’s top tips for getting the maximum out of minimum kitchen space

Practical storage solutions for the smallest IKEA kitchens Is a small kitchen cramping your style? Not to worry, IKD is here to the rescue! We have the experience and know-how to help you maximize your kitchen's tiny footprint, even if you can't imagine how to accomplish it yourself. Your older abode may ooze with charm, but if you're still living with a kitchen of yesteryear, you already know kitchen design concepts have changed dramatically in the past few decades. Kitchens of the past (even in very large homes) were usually minimized in favor of larger living spaces, but today's best kitchens are as much living space as cooking space. The kitchen is [...]

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