IKEA Kitchen Design Resource Center with hundreds of tips, hacks, sales information and custom doors.
The Comprehensive Guide To IKEA’s SEKTION Wall Cabinets (From Design To Install)
DIY Secrets to Build an IKEA Appliance Garage in Your Kitchen
Tips for Designing Paneled Kitchen Appliances
Mid-Century Modern Style with Semihandmade + IKEA: Accomplished!
Tried and Tested: How Good is the IKEA Kitchen Planning Service?
IKEA Garbage Bin Cabinets: Waste-Sorting Kitchen Design Tips
How to Keep Your DIY IKEA Project on Track
5 Work Arounds for IKEA Kitchen Design Challenges
Does the IKEA home planner turn your kitchen design into a safety hazard?
Update on Options for Navigating IKEA Backorders 2022
Did you know that our IKEA cabinet designs can be used to buy other cabinet brands?
Why I used IKEA Cabinets in a Multimillion Dollar Home
Are IKEA Kitchen “Must-Haves” Really “Musts” for Your Kitchen?
How is IKD’s IKEA kitchen design better than the home planner?
An IKEA Upgrade from the Inside Out
“We never order takeout!” Was This Homeowner’s IKEA Kitchen Design Motivation